Defective and Dangerous Products

Manufacturers and sellers of products have a duty to make and sell a product that is reasonably safe for its intended use. If you are injured at work or home because of a defective or dangerous product, you are entitled to recover damages for your loss from the manufacture or seller of the dangerous or defective product. Our attorneys are experienced in handling complex product liability cases. We have the knowledge necessary to fully investigate your claim and the resources to hire experts and prepare the case for trial in order to recover the maximum compensation for you injuries.

We use a variety of tools, products, and medications in our everyday lives, including cars, household items, toys and machines and tools at work. If you have been injured by a product that you suspect may be defective or dangerous, call us today because your prompt legal action can protect you rights and help prevent injuries to others.

Products Liability on the Job

Many jobs include the use of dangerous tools and machines every single day. We have the experience and resources necessary to investigate whether your injury was due to a manufacturing defect, design defect or failure to provide a proper warning or safety guard. If you have been injured by a dangerous machine or tool at work, contact us today for a free consultation. We will evaluate your claim to determine if you have a workers compensation claim, a 3rd party claim against a manufacturer, seller or distributor, and/or a potential intentional claim against your employer. The only way to insure that your rights are protected and that you receive the medical attention and financial considerations you deserve is to contact us to set an appointment to discuss your case with one of our attorneys.

Contact Us

No matter where you were injured, you have rights when that injury was the result of a defective or dangerous product. At Wysoker, Glassner, Weingartner, Gonzalez, and Lockspeiser, our attorneys protect the rights of those who have been injured in cases of product liability. Whether through settlement or litigation, we can help you. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.